Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Peace Message from Afghanistan Towards Women's Participation in Peacebuilding

We thank the committee members, elders, scholars ,teachers, members of civil society, ladies, gentlemen, brothers and sisters of Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar and Noristan provinces for their participation, sharing ideas and practical contribution in the conference entitled “ Women Participation in Peace ” . 

As it is clear to all that the people of Afghanistan faced enormous difficulties over the past three decadesand this series is still ongoing. Innocent Afghans are killedunder the name of Terrorism, Freedom, and Islam by the funding and weapons of aliens. 

Taking into consideration this bitter reality we, the participants of this conference on the representative of Women and Afghan nation present and declare the following message to all Political leaders, Religious scholars, Armed oppositions,National, regional and international leaders. 

1. Continuation of war in Afghanistan is not in any one’s benefit andthose who are fueling the violence and war, they themselves would be victim of this fire. Our people have known this reality very well and won’t be deceived by alien’s conspiracy anymore. They knew who are behind of this war and what their aims are. Therefore, it is our duty to call on all conflicting parties, the Islamic government of Afghanistan, the leaders of Taliban, leaders of the Political parties, Members of civil societies and all other Afghans to work together for the sustainability and expedition of the peaceprocess. We hopethat all conflicting sides prepare themselves for negotiation and they should not torture the oppressed nation anymore sothat to strengthen stability and living with each other in peace. 

2. AS a representative of Afghan women we strongly request from our brothers and elders to end violence and conflicts, pave the way for the implementation of peace of peace process in our war torn community and avoid outside intervention.We expect our leaders to prove that they are faithful and real servants of the people of the country. 

3. We call on the world and regional leaders to avoid any negative intervention in the Afghan internal issues and cooperate for promoting Peace and stability.Because peace and stability in Afghanistan would ensure Peace and stability in the region andworld. 

4. We all have to understand that the root causes behind these wars and conflicts are the elements that contribute to the continuation of this war; therefore these elements need to be recognized, identified and amended. Without this, achievement to a peaceful solution is impossible. So we demand all parties to identify and eradicate the root causes of current violence. 

5. We want all conflicting partiesthat in peace talks the women rights should be taken into consideration and peace struggle should never be in the context that we ignore women’s rights which have been given by Islam and Afghans culture. 

6. The Holy and unique book of Allah (Quran Karim), Afghan culture, and international principles order that women and children must be treated respectfully and mercifully in the war situations, unfortunately we see such examples that children and women are kept hostage and then asking for ransom or other demands, this will be an obvious violation against the Islamic principles and rules that disgrace Afghans by using the holy name of Islam. Once again we call upon all the stakeholders and urge them to stop doing such actions and give Afghans reassurance that they will never sacrifice the lives of women and children in getting their political aims. 

7. Our community is an Islamic, Afghan and peaceful community.All Afghans whether or not involved in fight and violence, should promote brotherhood In the light of Islamic principles, values and Afghan customs, and on the basis of human values such as patience, trust, tolerance andsympathy should develop and strengthen peace process in the national, regional and international levels. 

8. The people of Afghanistan announce their readiness for the Election. Sothe success of this election depends upon the participation of men and women to votes for electing their upcoming leaders.This is only possible at the time when the people of Afghanistan especially women who are half of the whole population of the country should be given permission to take part in the election.We expect that at the time of election, violation must not be happened so that we can show to the region and the world that our people can resolve many issues by mutual interaction,understanding, peaceful and constructive talks. 

9. Let us work hard for the reconstruction and maintenance of the national unity in our country so that to create Afghanistan, the Home of Peace and stability in the world and region. Our people have faced a lot of hardships in different stages of the history, but this country’s sovereignty has been savedby strong leadership of our leaders and the cooperation and sacrifices of the people. 

Once again it is the time to work and struggle together for ensuring peace and stability in the country.

Jalalabad, September 22, 2013

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